Litter Box

I have slowly transitioned my buns over to a more basic litter box. Babies who travel home will be used to using this litter box. I like this set up a little better then the other set ups I have recommended for a few different reasons.

First, its clean! Because these boxes are super cheap, I can replaced them every few months. They are also super easy to clean.

Second, I love how well the bunny can stand in the litter box and eat their pile of hay I place in the corner. Adult and babies alike are able to use this set up. I use a 16 quart clear storage box without lid. I put a thin layer of pine pellets on the bottom and a big old pile of hay in the corner. Litter box link below.

Pine Pellets: Click Here
Litter Box: Click Here

Sweet Hopper’s family sent me this beautiful picture of his new set up and I wanted to share it with you all! This picture was taken before Hopper arrived home so litter box isn’t yet filled and bunny isn’t yet running all around. A few toys and maybe a tunnel or two would make for a really sweet setup for your new bun! Thanks for sharing bunny friends!

Gate: Click Here

Washable Blanket (flooring): Click Here

Hideaway: Click Here

Litter Box: Click Here

Kelly sent us this picture of their adorable bunny set up!

Cage: Click Here

Litter Box: Click Here

Toys: Click Here

Hideout Castle: Click Here

Hay Feeder: Click Here

Water Dish: Click Here

Waterproof Blanket: Click Here

Our sweet bunny friend Lori sent us this picture of her little Maple’s set up! Love the hutch and play area! Lori also added a padding underneath to help protect her carpet from accidents and chewing. See link below for a link to the hutch & padding.

Hutch: Click Here

Padding: Click Here

Washable Bunny House: Click Here


This is a great little set up for a bunny. Notice the waterproof blanket on the floor of the cage to help protect your floors from accidents. The litter box is big enough for the bunny to sit and turn around comfortably. There are some toys, fresh hay & fresh water available.

Pet Playpen: Click Here

This photo was sent to me by Devin who has adopted Snowball from us. This is another great example of a sweet set up for your buns. Thank you Devin for sharing your sweet space, Snowball sure is a lucky buns.

Decorative Side Table: Click Here

Wire Pet Playpen: Click Here

Flooring: Click Here

Cage & Run

This space gives your buns a whole lotta room to roam. It is a 42 inch xpen with a living world cage inside. We recommend using a flooring of some kind under your cage, in our home we use linoleum flooring from Home Depot! This helps to protect your floors and it also makes it easy to clean. A large mat or washable rug would also work.

Xpen: Click Here

Living World Cage: Click Here


Here is a great setup using the living world cage! Notice the cage is inside the xpen which gives the bunny added space to run and play! The litter box fits perfectly in the large to xlarge living world cage. This is the same litter box the baby you adopt will begin using prior to going home. Water, hay and food needs to be above the litter box as this will help with potty training.

I love this set up! Kristi from Bend (proud owner to Oliver formally known as Bud) sent us this picture of her bunny set up! Notice the cord … it is covered with a bunny protective cover to keep bunny from chewing the wire.

Cord Covers: Click Here

Hideout Bunny House: Click Here


Outdoor Bun Run

Here is an example of an outdoor run! You can place a cage like this on pavement or grass. Remember, bunnies dig so if you place them on grass be sure to check on them often! It is covered so your bunny is protected from animals above and all around. Be sure to have water and hay available to your buns at all times and add some fun toys to keep your bun happy while outdoors! Remember to keep cage out of direct sunlight and wind!

Please note, this is an example of an outdoor bun run, this is NOT a suitable home for a bun unless you have a hutch attached to it. We have these cages located throughout our property and put our bunnies in them often to allow them space to run and play.

Outdoor Run: Click Here


Outdoor Setup

Sweet Olive is traveling home to this super sweet set up. The hutch is a favorite of mine because it is weatherproof and easy to clean (the link to this hutch can be found on my website under “a few of my favorite things”) . Olive’s family put in some new concrete squares under her hutch to prevent her from digging out. She will have a warm safe place to burrow in this hutch as well as lots of room to roam around and play.

One small note worth mentioning, bunnies have predators that lurk above … if you are looking to add this set up for buns, I would suggest some sort of covering to keep predators out. You might even add extra hideaway or two so if needed, your bun could run under to hide.

Indoor Hutch Setup

I love this sweet setup for indoors. This sweet buns Buckley has a carpet that protects the floors from accidents while also giving him a sweet space to roam.